We wanted consumers to understand their purpose for signing up to the well-known social platform. Connect them to their passions and interests while meeting and interacting with new people all over the world.
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Twitter wanted to increase its engagement with new users. To involve new users, we created an education email campaign that was sent out weekly and rotated through a different Twitter action.
Email Campaign
Many customers tweet, never knowing if anyone heard them. The question was, if we can make our customer feel heard, will they stick around longer? Email was proven to be one of the most effective off-platform channels for user retention. The answer; make a fun, simple email to increase user engagement and retention. Ultimately we made optional mastheads to be placed in emails (broken into two categories: community and rewards).
Example email copy:
subject line: People are checking out your Tweet
body copy: Your recent Tweet has 16,888 views. Keep up the great work!
People feel more comfortable conversing with you if they know a bit more about you. Update your bio with a picture, your full name, and a little bit about yourself - like what you like to tweet about.
Masthead placed here
CTA: Update your bio | Tweet